Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Free campaign, no hidden cost!

My name is Tim Brewer, and I am the candidate, who can provide, so much more.

Starting right now, this is the hub, for my run for the White House in 2012!

I'm very excited about it, because I plan on running the whole campaign for free!

I do not plan on flying all over the country, and kissing your babies, because that cost money, and my budget is zero!

I would love the chance, to interact with all of you, but that takes time, and that leaves us with one option left.

This Blog, and other places on the Internet, that I go.

On the Internet highway, with Tim Brewer, and friends!

At this time, I do not know who will support the message, I am offering, but we do have people on this ticket, that are very good at explaining it!

At this time, the only people, who will not be able to hear my message, will be people with out computers, so if you do support me, and can reach those people, then we have a chance.

I welcome debates, with any of the future candidates, as long as my party is not paying for it.

I have no problem doing it on the Internet!

I have no problem doing this campaign on an American Idol type of venue.

I am open, to additional options, through the private sector that is legal, to our campaign, as we continue to drive this message forward.

What is the message?

Positive solutions!

Control freaks, need not apply!

A good deal for everybody!

Control freaks get everything, and you get nothing!

I really did like President Obama at first, when I heard he was a community organizer, but when I heard he lived in a million dollar house, I had to scratch my head, and wonder, if he really has my best interest at heart!

Where is he from again?

We don't party all the time here in Dayton, Ohio!

We invent!

We invent a better comfort zone, with what we have to work with!

We laugh, as NCR leaves town, because we have all the answers! "Yeah, right!"

I'm Dayton, and they do not even know my name!

How grass roots can you get!

Have you ever heard of Tim Brewer, from Dayton, Ohio?

He claims to be the next President of the United states, and we should take everything to do with 2012 seriously!

If Allen Hunt supports Mikael Savage, then i should be in there some where, because I got banned from Microsoft Access world forum, after having more documented friends there, than anybody else, but they banned me as a customer for life!

I sure wish somebody would get the right, or wrong truth about this, because everything happens for a reason.

I do not make this stuff up, and I did not stutter!

Sure my option can touch on politics, just like it can touch on, what is right, or wrong.

They say, that nobody has all the answers, and sure they go back, and forth with the God thing, we get all that, and all the time you have spent focused on that, and please feel free to continue, if you like, but my option, right, wrong, black, white, good,bad, ugly, or indifferent, like the perfect piece, then why not include the perfect piece.

If I can justify the reason we should legalize afterlife Orbs, then why not do it?

What would it hurt?

No more playing around with this science, and get up off our baggage, and do something worth whiled about it!

The Wright Brothers got a chance to fly in the heavens, and I get a chance to let you communicate with them!

Tim Brewer is your new Willie Wonka!

Please feel free to take my thoughts, and prove me wrong, I'm not perfect to mistakes, but the way I see it, I could go on, and on about making your life better, so why not get it started today?

My name is Tim Brewer, and regardless what you hear, I have just a good a chance to be your next President, as anybody else out there!

My birth certificate, is from Ohio!

Birth place of Thomas A. Edison!

Either you are growing, or you are being controlled.

Control is a good deal, if you are the ones controlling, but for you, and them to both grow naturally, then you need the tools you need to make that happen, and that can only happen, with purpose!

I provide that purpose!

Trust me, who else on the campaign trail is really looking out for you, like I will be doing.

I cover it all, and we do it from the top, and we do it for free!

You do not have to donate, to let me know what you think, or you do not have to donate, to hear me think!

It's all free in this election, and I have no doubt, that the other parties, are already running scared, because I do not have all the over head they have!

Now they have to invest a lot of money, to make me go away, and go away soon, but now that I have public ally measured that as there plan, please keep an eye on my health.

The advantage, of paradigm follow through, any direction, good, or bad!

I hope, as adults, that we all can work together, for the best answers, but it is way to early yet, to start assuming, that others, are already to begin, making things up!

I don't know about you, but I'm just a guy!

A guy, who likes to fix problems naturally, no fan fair, just to see if the spouse would notice.

Where did I go wrong?

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